James Joyce invented thousands of words, most of which have yet to be thoroughly defined or analyzed. And many still elude understanding. The online and open access Joyce Word Dictionary (JWD) aims to provide a space in which readers, scholars, and lexicographers around the world can explore Joyce’s elaborate contribution to literature and to language.

Rather than being a conventional dictionary, which assumes an authoritative role in the definition of words, the open access JWD enables multiple word meanings democratically to co-exist. Meanings will constantly be changing and developing with the help of all who wish to contribute.


Director: Riv Chénier

Technical Directors: Jonathan Reeve & James O'Sullivan

Advisory board: Bill Brockman, Ronan Crowley, Ciaran McMorran, Elizabeth M. Bonapfel, Fritz Senn, Ira Nadel, James O’Sullivan, Jerome McGann, Matt Cohen, and Terence Killeen.

Working Editions

The editions of Joyce’s work endorsed by the  James Joyce Quarterly  will be the working texts for the JWD, and are as follows:

CP Joyce, James. Collected Poems. New York: Viking Press, 1957.

CW Joyce, James. The Critical Writings of James Joyce, ed. Ellsworth Mason and Richard Ellmann. New York: Viking Press, 1959.

D Joyce, James. Dubliners, ed. Robert Scholes in consultation with Richard Ellmann. New York: Viking Press, 1967.

Joyce, James. “Dubliners”: Text, Criticism, and Notes, ed. Robert D. Scholes and A. Walton Litz. New York: Viking Press, 1969.

E Joyce, James. Exiles. New York: Penguin, 1973.

FW Joyce, James. Finnegans Wake. New York: Viking Press, 1939; London: Faber and Faber, 1939. These two editions have identical pagination.

GJ Joyce, James. Giacomo Joyce, ed. Richard Ellmann. New York: Viking Press, 1968.

JJI Ellmann, Richard. James Joyce. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1959.

JJII Ellmann, Richard. James Joyce. New York: Oxford Univ. Press, 1982.

JJA The James Joyce Archive, ed. Michael Groden, et al. New York and London: Garland Publishing, 1977-79. See last two pages of the JJQ for guide.

Letters I, II, III Joyce, James. Letters of James Joyce. Vol. I, ed. Stuart Gilbert. New York: Viking Press, 1957; reissued with corrections 1966. Vols. II and III, ed. Richard Ellmann. New York: Viking Press, 1966.

P Joyce, James. A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. The definitive text corrected from Dublin Holograph by Chester G. Anderson and edited by Richard Ellmann. New York: Viking Press, 1964.

Joyce, James. “A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man”: Text, Criticism, and Notes, ed. Chester G. Anderson. New York: Viking Press, 1968.

SH Joyce, James. Stephen Hero, ed. John J. Slocum and Herbert Cahoon. New York: New Directions, 1944, 1963.

SL Joyce, James. Selected Letters of James Joyce, ed. Richard Ellmann. New York: Viking Press, 1975.

U +episode and line number. Joyce, James. Ulysses ed. Hans Walter Gabler, et al. New York and London: Garland Publishing, 1984, 1986. In paperback by Garland, Random House, Bodley Head, and Penguin between 1986 and 1992.

U-G +page number. Joyce, James. Ulysses, ed. Hans Walter Gabler, et al. New York and London: Garland, 1984. References to Foreword, Critical Apparatus, Textual Notes, Historical Collation, or Afterword.

U +page number. Joyce, James. Ulysses. New York: Random House, 1934, reset and corrected 1961. C ‘